
Pix as promised!


  1. Wow! This is an amazing opportunity for you. Good Luck!

  2. great pics ben....so, do we get a picture of your bunk on the bus?

  3. Ben,
    Hope you guy had a great show tonight. What fancy sound board!!!
    The bus look super comfy and clean. The food look yummy . Hope you are having a great time.

  4. Ben,
    I follow your mom's blog, which lead me to your blog. Great opportunity for you and I look forward to following along through your blog.
    Question: drum head stock? Does the material (not sure of the technical name)a drummer hits need to be changed after each show?

  5. BEEEEEEANS! and Bangers! Talk about a dream Job!
    Kinda like your living your own "the year punk broke"! I'll have my mom add you to her prayer list - she is 77 and loves to hear about interesting folks she can add.
    Have fun- drink enough water.
